5)坐禅とは何か(What is Zazen?)
根本テーゼ「坐禅は、すべての人間的行為の出発点であると同時に終着点です(Zazen is the first starting-point
and the last background of all human actions.)」
A) 自己の究明・己事究明こじきゅうめい・自受用三昧じじゅうようざんまい
Firstly, Zazen is Self-knowledge, Self-explanation, Self-concentration
odhi〕. It is the teaching which has been correctly transmitted
by the Buddhas alone──self-joyous samadhi [concentration].
The correct way to this samadhi is zazen."(Shobo-genzo,
translated by Yuho Yokoi, Tokyo, Sankibo, 1986, p. 825)Zazen
is one of the highest and noblest cukture in the history of
human kind which the peoples of east asia producted, as I
think personally.
B) 最高の三昧。三昧王三昧。最高の集中力。只管打坐。
Secondally, Zazen is the highest concentration (samadhi).
Also, Dogen names this Zazen the king's concentration (samadhi).Dogen
says that we must concentrate on the Zazen-Sitting with our
whole heart and body, in order to realize this highest consenration.
Also this Zazen is called Shikantaza (Intent Sitting).
Dogen said: "It is through zazen that we become the
same venerable persons as the Buddhas and patriarchs, transcending
straight through the whole universe or jumping over the heads
of non-Buddhists or devils. It is only through this zazen
that we can transcend the ultimate realm (enlightenment)of
the Buddhas and patriarchs. Hence, they practise none but
this. We must know that there is a great deal of difference
between zazen and anything else. We schould clarify this fact,
and realize their awakening to the bodhi-mind, practice, enlightenment
and nirv穎a."(Yokoi, p.737)
nation of our hands and legs. 法界定印Hokkai-join
Non-doing Zazen (Zazen without Zazen); Practical Aplication
of the cencentrative attitude in all daily actions and doings;
" Acting is also zazen, Sitting ist also Zazen, both
to speak and to to be silent, both to move and to stop is
also Zazen."(Shodoka, by Yoka-Daishi)
Thirdly, Zazen is non-thinking, that is the thinking of the
non-thinking. It means that we concentrate on Zazen's practice.
This Doing is able through the intent bodily traning. Zazen
is to realize a direct and concrete buddha-figure through
our body. It is possible by everybody if he will it.
A great German of Letters, Goethe (Johann Wolfgang Goehte,
1749-1832)said: "At the beggining there was action."
(Faust). A chinese Zen Buddhist said: "It is better to
do one shaku [33 cm] than to say one-jo [3.3 m]. It is better
to do one sun [3.3cm] than to say one shaku [33cm]"(Keitokudentoroku,
Daijikanchu, 780-862).
D)不染汚: Fourthly, Non-impurity(-pollution, -defilement), 執着心からの解脱:
deliverance (release, salvation, liberation/liberty) from
(deep) attachement, 転迷開悟: To be enlightened (to attain enlightenment)
through (by) being undeceived(disillusioned), 安心立命:Settling
one's body and life; attaining complete peace and establishing
one's course of life in accord with the ultimate reality,
身心脱落: Liberation from bodily and mental attachement (restriction,
仏=仏陀(Buddha)=覚めた人(an awakened one)、悟りを開いた人(an enlightened
one)、人格が完全無欠、円満具足した者=「いろいろな罫縛から解き放たれた者・存在者」one who is liberated
from all restraints (restrictions)⇔「哲学者(philosopher, phiosophos=one
who loves(seeks) wisdom(knowledge)知を愛する者、愛知者)
E)自然性と本来性。Fifthly, Naturality and spontaneity
「水鳥のゆくもかえるもあとたえて、されども道は忘れざりけり」(応無処住而生其心)。Fifthly, Naturality
and spontaneity: Though a water-bird goes and comes by swiming,
she does not forget nevertheles hers own way.
Zazenshin(Admonitionds of Zazen):"Water is clear to the
bottom, where fish sail as they do; the sky is vast and clear
to the heaven, where birds fly away as they do."(Yokoi,
p. 145).It is most important that each person acts worthilly
to be human being. The fable of the child of the rich man
that he at the first did not know the fact, but finally could
know the truth(The Sutra of the Lotus). |